Cooking Article

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Summer is often synonymous with beaches
ballparks and barbecues
all offering tempting snacks and treats. To many women who are watching their weight
the back-to-school season is an ideal time to enroll in their own "Making Smarter Food Choices 101" class and refocus on a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

To help these busy women make wiser food choices
Weight Watchers has partnered with food manufacturer Dawn Food Products Inc. to create a line of sweet baked goods that make the grade in convenience
portability and taste. Available nationwide in carrot
lemon and chocolate snack cakes and blueberry and double chocolate muffins
Weight Watchers sweet baked goods satisfy hunger and are lower in calories and fat than traditional sweets.

"We all want flexibility in our lives
be it in our daily routine or in our food choices
said Schryse Williams, vice president of consumer brands for Dawn Food Products.
It's all about balance and offering consumers the opportunity to make sensible choices."

Most foods can fit into a balanced diet - in moderation. Some tips for making smarter food choices include:

* Go whole grain. Consume three or more 1-ounce servings of whole-grain products per day
along with three servings of enriched grains.

* Eat calcium-rich foods. Consume two cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products.

* Find balance between physical activity and food you eat. Make sure you aren't taking in more calories than you're using or burning.

* Limit intake of saturated and trans fats. Trans fats have been linked to increased risk of heart disease. Look for low or no trans fats on the label.

* Get active. Engaging in regular physical activity and reducing sedentary activities can promote good health
psychological well-being and a healthy body weight.

* Size does matter. Buying treats in small
individual packages for portion control helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
